Lisa Hermann Jewelry
"Inspired by the Classics... redefined by Design.
Keshi pearls with multi gemstones

About Me
- Lisa Hermann
- Saint Louis, Missouri, Sawyer, Michigan, United States
- I started making jewelry as a child with my grandmother. We would put marbles in boiling water, and then submerge them in ice to get a crackled effect. A little glue to an earring part and voila, I made my first pair of dangle earrings. Years later, I was inspired to create jewelry again, but I traded in my marbles, for high quality gemstones. Today I enjoy designing one of a kind pieces along with my original best sellers. 314.993.5472
Champagne diamonds with 14kw

Champagne diamonds with 14kt
Keshi Pearls w/diamonds and Ruby

This was a custom design broach/pendant for a 40 th Wedding Anniversary
Led lighted readers $24.99

Led lighted readers $24.99 1.00 thru 3.00 Leopard,Black, Brown, Burgundy, Zebra and Black w/pink polka dots,